valuations and compensation claims
Our Services Include:
We provide advice to clients who are
• Looking to purchase an additional farm or estate
• Looking to purchase bare land
• Investment purchasers of farms, estates and bare land
• First time/non farming buyers of farms, estates and bare land
• Require valuations for tax or other management purposes
Advice provided can comprise appraising land values, ingoing valuations, likely returns, land productivity, budgets, business plans and assisting in the borrowing process. Valuations can be prepared to RICS standards to assist with purchase negotiations, internal business restructuring or tax and financial planning.
We can also provide further farm and estate management services or consultancy advice on a successful purchase, as well as help negotiate the myriad of farm and estate administration, subsidies, grants, staff wages and related legislation.

compensation claims &
Utility and renewable developments
The firm has acted for our farming and landowning clients in a variety of situations where compensation was due. This experience includes compensation for crop loss due to pipelines, water pipes and electricity cabling, wind turbine routes, compulsory purchase for roads and railways, disturbance, access routes and also profits foregone as a result of existing infrastructure affecting business performance, machinery failure and contractor negligence. Electricity wayleaves, servitudes, renewable energy land leases and telecom negotiations also form part of the services provided by the firm.
Recent projects we have been involved with include the AWPR, Network Rail Aberdeen to Inverness track widening, battery and solar sites, wind turbine access routes and ongoing SSE and SSET wayleave and servitude negotiations.
It is normal for the acquiring authority or developer to pay reasonable professional fees and expenses, resulting in added value for our clients at no cost to them.
Want to know more?

Allathan Associates
49 High Street, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 4EJ
Unit 2, Old Mart Site, Market Street, Maud, Aberdeenshire, AB42 4NH
01888 563464